I have officially been a Buddhist for more 35 years now.As with many, my official entry level Dharma Gate was Nichiren Buddhism, brought to me by Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu. While I remain in the Nichiren camp, so to speak, I have moved in a more independent direction, and am probably headed toward Nichiren Shu. In between, a lot of things have happened.
As of right now, I expect the topics here shall cover some of the things I write about at Mettawaves from Robin's Nest. These would include what I do as Buddhist Practice, the method I employ, and why I do those practices. Basically, I follow the Eightfold Path, or more accurately, the Threefold Training; from which, the Eightfold Path is a derivative. That is Ethics / Precepts, Meditation, and Wisdom / Insight. The center of that is Meditation. I do the basics -- samatha / samadhi / dhyana and satipatthana / vipassana. Those are a mix of sanskrit and pali terms, which are helpful, but not necessary to know. I use them because translations are not always consistent. Those words might be rendered into English as: Stillness / Concentration / Absorption, and Mindfulness / Insight. As an aside, I do not think Insight is really a meditation in itself, it is more the result, and equivalent to the Third Training of Wisdom.
As for methodology, I pretty much stick to a form of Chanting Meditation called Shodai [唱題?].
As to why I do this, when I chant; the sun shines everywhere I go, people are kind to me, I always get green lights, lines are short, I get ideal parking spaces, and money falls from the sky! Seriously though, the practice, when i do it, puts me in a good mood, it is quite healing, it helps me improve my cognitive skills, and it promotes self reformation. We shall be going into that a bit more here, perhaps even discussing why it works.
Another thing I shall be doing here is studying the life and legends of Nichiren, the 13th Century Japanese Buddhist monk who founded the type of Buddhism I practice.
Hi Robin,
This is Annette from SFI, I am not sure what window to click on when I click on Atom, as window does open, but what do I click on.
With Mettawaves, Annette
Hi Annette,
It looks like "Atom" just sets on book mark on your computer? I am new at this site; so I do not know for certain.
Hi Robin,
My best wishes for you and this year 2008 you may enjoy a strong health and prosperity.
I had follow you writtings at FWP from a year ago, but this is the first time I do write you. I wish to congratulate you for your hard work about the study of Nichiren deeds, works and legends, honzons and about Buddhism in general.
I became Buddhist and take goJukai 33 years ago in Dominican Rep. (1975 NSD-SGIDR). But I have learning a lot of new things in your site. So I have to say Thank You Very Much for all. The mission of write about Buddhism implies a great responsability and much braveness. So you deserve the support of comments from people who come here. I am glad you have a new site to write.
With respect,
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Gue Kyo.
Dr. Gnomegang
Thank you for the kind comments.
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